
Welcome to MANDATE (Maliki English National Debate Tournament)



  • Participant is an active university student of PTAIN (under the ministry of religious affair) in Indonesia.
  • Participants must be in the same university.
  • Participants who have sent the form cannot be substituted by other participants from other teams without confirmation a month before the competition date.
  • Participant, enrolled in the list but he/she could not come to the competition, will be disqualified.
  • Each team comprises 3 debaters and 1 adjudicator.
  • Participant target is 40 teams (determined based on early bird registration).
  • Participant coming late for 15 minutes in the competition, after being called for three times, will be disqualified.
  • Registration Schedule:
    • 1st September- 30th of September, 2015 (Early Birth IDR 300.000)
    • 1st October- 20th of October, 2015 (Late Birth IDR 350.000)
  • Kindly send documents, during registration phase, through email
  • The documents at the previous point include:
    • Scan of the University student card, scan of the bank registration, photo for each participant, registration form (can be downloaded here)
    • Confirmation of sending documents to (Sofi: 085790899748). SMS Format: University name [space] Group name.
  • Promoted team and payment transferring will be conducted on 1st September- 22nd October, 2015. After transferring the fee, please as soon as possible send the documents required, scan of the payment transfer, and University student card  through email
  • Motion Launch will be held on October 1st , 2015
  • Kindly send the registration fee to
    • Bank BRI Cabang UIN Malang
    • Account No. 1662-01-001463-53-3
    • On Behalf of a.n. Wardatul Baidlo
  • If you have questions, feel free to ask


Here is the Prepared Motions of Mandate. You can download here

Note: There will be also Impromptu motions along the competition, so be ready and happy sourcing!


Asian Parliamentary System


  • There are two opposing teams in an Asians system of debate:
    • Government side whose duty is proposing and defending the motion;
    • Opposition side whose duty is refuting and negating the motion.

Each side comprises three members

  • The Members of the government side are the following:
    • Prime minister (PM)
      • To open the debate, define the motion and advance arguments
    • Deputy Prime Minister (DPM)
      • To refute at first instance the case of the opposition, re-establish the government’s claim, and advance arguments
    • Government whip (GW)
      • To make an issue-based rebuttal of the opposition’s case and summarize the case of the government.
  • The Members of the Opposition side are the following:
    • Leader of the Opposition (LO)
      • To respond directly to the case of the government by giving a direct clash, and advance arguments. (May challenge the motion but not recommended)
    • Deputy Leader of the Opposition (DPL)
      • To refute the case of the DPM, reestablishe the case of the opposition, and advance an argument
    • Opposition Whip (OW)
      • To make an issues-based rebuttal of the government’s and summarize the case of the opposition.

Time of Speeches
Each speaker is allocated 7 minutes to deliver their constructive speeches. One speaker from each side (For the Government: PM/DPM, for Opposition: LO/DLO) is given 4 minutes to deliver a reply speech. The speakers will be speaking in the following order:

  1. Prime Minister
  2. Leader of the opposition
  3. Deputy Prime Minister
  4. Deputy Leader of the Opposition
  5. Government Whip
  6. Opposition whip
  7. Opposition Reply
  8. Government Reply

During the constructive speeches, Point of Information (POI) may emerge after the first minute up to the sixth minute. POI may be refused or accepted by the speaker. During reply speeches, no POI may be raised.

Reply Speech

Reply speech is a comparative analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the case of both sides. The aim of the speech is to give a bias judgment as to why should the people support the team’s claim. The speech is first delivered by the opposition side and followed by the government side that will close the debate.

Matter, Manner, Method:

Asian Parliamentary System is assessed by an Adjudicator Panel composed of an odd number according to the following criteria:

  1. Matter (40) containing substance of the debate, the arguments and evidence presented, and the logical reasoning and presentation of said arguments.
  2. Manner (40) containing the style of delivery, the persuasion skills, and the conduct of the debaters.
  3. Method (20) containing the response to the dynamics of the debate, and the observance of the rules of debate.