The Faculty of Humanities of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang sent a fifth-semester English Literature student, Chesa Andreana, to participate in an internship program, Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) at the Office of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (14/10/2022). This is the first time that English Literature students have interned at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since the MBKM program was launched. This program was implemented through a collaboration between the Faculty of Humanities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Chesa felt very happy and proud to receive this opportunity. He is committed to taking the program seriously. Through this program, he hopes to be able to learn theory and practice simultaneously as well as gain internship experience in the world of work. “I am happy and grateful to have the opportunity to intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because being accepted for an internship here requires extra preparation that is not easy. I am one of the most junior interns. The majority of interns here are in their seventh semester,” Chesa explained.
Separately, the Head of the English Literature Study Program, Ribut Wahyudi M.Ed, Ph.D., explained that this program aims to provide students with the right to study outside of campus, especially in the field of diplomatic professions. Furthermore, he said that through this internship, it is hoped that students will be able to develop soft skills and hard skills so that they are ready to enter the world of work later.
“Through this MBKM program, we hope that students can make the most of their time and opportunities to study outside campus. Students can improve their soft skills and hard skills according to what the world of work requires. This program also greatly supports the Study Program to realize one of the graduate profiles, namely becoming a professional practitioner in the field of diplomacy.” Said the Head of Study Program, a graduate of Victoria University of Wellington.
For information, the MBKM program internship value from local agencies will be converted into course values equivalent to 20 credits. (Aisy)