Berdasarkan hasil kajian terhadap: (1) Peraturan Mendikbud Nomor 49 Tahun 2014 mengenai Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi, khususnya mengenai capaian pembelajaran lulusan dalam KKNI; (2) Surat Keputusan Mendiknas Nomor 045/U/2002 tentang Elemen Kompetensi; (3) Tujuan Pendidikan sebagaimana digariskan oleh UNESCO, yaitu learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, dan learning to live together; dan (4) Visi dan Misi Prodi yang paralel dengan Visi dan Misi Fakultas, maka Tim Perumus memutuskan bahwa Kurikulum Program Studi Sastra Inggris tahun 2015 mencakup beberapa elemen sebagai berikut:
Jumlah Beban SKS yang wajib ditempuh = 150 sks
No |
Kode |
Matakuliah |
sks |
Semester |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
A |
Matakuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (MPK) |
34 |
1 |
1400101 |
Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan |
2 |
X |
2 |
1400102 |
Bahasa Indonesia |
2 |
X |
3 |
1400103 |
Bahasa Inggris I (Intensive English Course I) |
3 |
X |
4 |
1400104 |
Bahasa Inggris II (Intensive English Course II) |
3 |
X |
5 |
1400106 |
Ilmu Alamiah Dasar |
2 |
X |
6 |
1400107 |
Filsafat Ilmu |
2 |
X |
7 |
1400108 |
Studi al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits |
2 |
X |
8 |
1400109 |
Studi Fiqh |
2 |
X |
9 |
1400110 |
Teosofi |
2 |
X |
10 |
1400111 |
Sejarah Peradaban Islam |
2 |
X |
11 |
1400112 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Istima‘ I |
1 |
X |
12 |
1400113 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Kitabah I |
1 |
X |
13 |
1400114 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Kalam I |
2 |
X |
14 |
1400115 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Qiro‘ah I |
2 |
X |
15 |
1400116 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Istima‘ II |
1 |
X |
16 |
1400117 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Kitabah II |
1 |
X |
17 |
1400118 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Kalam II |
2 |
X |
18 |
1400119 |
Bahasa Arab Maharah Qiro‘ah II |
2 |
X |
B |
Matakuliah Keilmuan dan Keterampilan (MKK) |
70 |
1 |
1532201 |
Literal Listening |
2 |
X |
2 |
1532202 |
Interpretive Listening |
2 |
X |
3 |
1532203 |
Critical Listening |
2 |
X |
4 |
1532204 |
Speaking for Daily Conversation |
2 |
X |
5 |
1532205 |
Speaking for Academic and Professional Communication |
4 |
X |
6 |
1532206 |
Public Speaking |
2 |
X |
7 |
1532207 |
Literal Reading |
2 |
X |
8 |
1532208 |
Inferential Reading |
2 |
X |
9 |
1532209 |
Critical Reading |
2 |
X |
10 |
1532210 |
Paragraph Writing |
2 |
X |
11 |
1532211 |
Essay Writing |
4 |
X |
12 |
1532212 |
Academic Writing |
2 |
X |
13 |
1532213 |
Academic Vocabulary |
2 |
X |
14 |
1532214 |
Basic English Grammar |
4 |
X |
15 |
1532215 |
Intermediate English Grammar |
4 |
X |
16 |
1532216 |
Advanced English Grammar |
2 |
X |
17 |
1532217 |
Basics of Translation |
2 |
X |
18 |
1532218 |
Introduction to Linguistics |
2 |
X |
19 |
1532219 |
Phonology |
2 |
X |
20 |
1532220 |
Morphology |
2 |
X |
21 |
1532221 |
Syntax |
2 |
X |
22 |
1532222 |
Semantics |
2 |
X |
23 |
1532223 |
Introduction to English Literature |
2 |
X |
24 |
1532224 |
Basic Analysis of English Poetry |
2 |
X |
25 |
1532225 |
Basic Analysis of English Prose |
2 |
X |
26 |
1532226 |
Basic Analysis of English Drama |
2 |
X |
27 |
1532227 |
History of English Literature |
2 |
X |
28 |
1532228 |
English Cultural Background |
2 |
X |
29 |
1532229 |
Interculturality in Language and Literary Studies |
2 |
X |
30 |
1532230 |
Project Proposal Writing |
2 |
X |
31 |
1532231 |
Cultural Studies |
2 |
X |
C |
Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya |
36 |
1 |
1532301 |
Information and Communication Technology |
2 |
X |
2 |
1532302 |
Psycholinguistics |
2 |
X |
3 |
1532303 |
Sociolinguistics |
2 |
X |
4 |
1532304 |
Pragmatics |
2 |
X |
5 |
1532305 |
Introduction to Applied Linguistics |
2 |
X |
6 |
1532306 |
Advanced Analysis of Poetry |
2 |
X |
7 |
1532307 |
Advanced Analysis of Prose |
2 |
X |
8 |
1532308 |
Advanced Analysis of Drama |
2 |
X |
9 |
1532309 |
Qualitative Research Methodology |
2 |
X |
10 |
1532310 |
Quantitative Research Methodology |
2 |
X |
11 |
1532311 |
Research on Linguistics |
4 |
X |
12 |
1532312 |
Literary Studies |
4 |
X |
13 |
1532313 |
Minor Thesis (Skripsi) |
6 |
X |
14 |
1532314 |
Literary Theory |
2 |
X |
15 |
1532315 |
Schools of Linguistics |
2 |
X |
16 |
1532316 |
Schools of Literary Criticism |
2 |
X |
17 |
1532317 |
Folklore Studies |
2 |
X |
18 |
1532318 |
Business Correspondence and Public Relation |
2 |
X |
19 |
1532319 |
Creative Writing |
2 |
X |
20 |
1532320 |
Philology |
2 |
X |
21 |
1532321 |
Entrepreneurship |
2 |
X |
22 |
1532322 |
Stylistics |
2 |
X |
23 |
1532323 |
Semiotics |
2 |
X |
24 |
1532324 |
Critical Discourse Analysis |
2 |
X |
25 |
1532325 |
Discourse Analysis |
2 |
X |
26 |
1532326 |
Post-Structuralism and Deconstruction |
2 |
X |
27 |
1532327 |
Feminism in Language and Literary Studies |
2 |
X |
28 |
1532328 |
Psychology and Literature |
2 |
X |
29 |
1532329 |
Sociology of Literature |
2 |
X |
30 |
1532330 |
Post-colonialism |
2 |
X |
31 |
1532331 |
Comparative Literary Studies |
2 |
X |
D |
Matakuliah Perilaku Berkarya (MPB) |
8 |
1 |
1532401 |
Translation and Interpreting |
2 |
X |
2 |
1532402 |
Translation Technology and Ethics |
4 |
X |
3 |
1532403 |
Approaches and Methods in ELT |
2 |
X |
4 |
1532404 |
Materials, Media, and Evaluation in ELT |
4 |
X |
5 |
1532405 |
Tourism and Guiding |
2 |
X |
6 |
1532406 |
Tourism and Hospotality Practice |
4 |
X |
7 |
1532407 |
Introduction to Journalism |
2 |
X |
8 |
1532408 |
News Reporting and Mass Media |
4 |
X |
9 |
1532409 |
Scriptwriting and Directing |
2 |
X |
10 |
1532410 |
Photography and Film Production |
4 |
X |
E |
Matakuliah Berkeahlian Bermasyarakat (MBB) |
4 |
1 |
1532501 |
Community Service |
2 |
X |
2 |
1532502 |
Internship |
2 |
X |